May 31st, 2017 for the 1st semester to all programs,
December 30th, 2017 for the spring semester
(only Preparatory and Language Course)
Application Process
First step: Complete the Application Form
The printable Application Form is available here! (PDF)
Second step: Pay the € 150 nonrefundable application fee
Your application will be considered and communication is assured, if you transfer the application fee to the bank account of Óbuda University, and submit all the required documents.
Third step:
Submit all the necessary documents listed below to the following address:
Application form completely filled (be careful that your personal data appear correctly as are in your passport, because they will be the form to appear in your transcripts and degree certificate)
Secondary high school reports relevant to your application, with special reference to Mathematics, Physics and English language (notarized English translation)
General certificate of your education - G.C.E. or any equivalent secondary high school diploma (notarized English translation)
Official transcripts and degrees/diplomas of any higher education already completed (notarized English translation)
Copy of your passport
2 recent passport size photographs
Curriculum Vitae
Two letters of recommendation (for MSc and PhD applications)
Study Plan (for PhD applications only)
One of the following documents of English language proficiency is required:
Cambridge Exam
The English language proficiency requirement can be waived in case of previous studies completed fully in English with qualification documents (i.e. high school diploma or undergraduate degree in case of applications to graduate programs) issued originally in English. NOTE: Notarization is necessary for every school leaving document even if the original is in English. Notification of your acceptance / rejection will be sent to you after your complete application has been reviewed. All necessary further information will be attached to the Letter of Acceptance.
Tuition fees
All tuition fees must be paid prior to enrolment. Proof of payment via bank transfer is to be presented. In case of late or partial payment of tuition fees, the University reserves the right to refuse enrolment. Tuition fees for 2017/2018 academic year are as follows:
For non-EU citizens
For EU citizens
Undergraduate tuition fees, leading to BSc degree
EUR 2500 / semester
EUR 2000 / semester
Graduate tuition fees, leading to MSc degree
EUR 3000 / semester
EUR 2500 / semester
Postgraduate tuition fees, leading to PhD degree
EUR 4000 / semester
EUR 3500 / semester
Tuition fees for special students (courses leading to no degree)
EUR 110 / credit points (min. 12 lessons / week)
EUR 100 / credit points (min. 12 lessons / week)
Tuition fees are generally not refundable.
Inquire in your bank if there is a handling fee for your money transfer to ensure that full tuition amount be transferred.
To newly enrolled Freshmen only
Placement tests: the beginning of May 2017 in Mathematics, Physics (as well as drawing only for Product Design Engineering). Students passing the tests will be accepted in the first year of the BSc programs. Students found to have inadequate skills in Mathematics, Physics or English language will be directed to the one year Preparatory Course or Language Course prior to start the BSc programs. NOTE: A two semester long intensive Preparatory Course is offered in Mathematics, Physics and English language for those who failed in the placement test or arrived after the registration period.
Visa Information
Non-EU and non-EEA (European Economic Area) citizens, please contact the nearest Hungarian Consulate to learn if visa is needed to Hungary. List of embassies and consulates:
The entry visa - "RESIDENCE VISA FOR STUDY PURPOSE" - is to be obtained before departure from your country. You are requested to present the following documents:
the Letter of Acceptance from Óbuda University
the proof of payment of the tuition fee
the proof of your accommodation in Budapest
the passport
The process takes two weeks or more. The visa will be valid for 30 days only. After your arrival in Budapest you will have another 30 days to apply for a residence permit (after registration at the University).
Registration period: 4-7 September All accepted new students are expected to report to the Students Office to register within 48 hours after arrival. EU Citizens have to apply for a “RESIDENCE PERMIT FOR STUDY PURPOSE” in Hungary. Remember to present your EU Health Insurance Card at registration. More information and help is available during school registration. Orientation Programme Between 4-8 September, 2017 an orientation program will be organized for all newly enrolled students. The orientation program includes introductory lectures, access to the Internet, a visit in the library, campus tours and a sightseeing tour in Budapest.
Living costs
Accommodation: Private accommodation is available from EUR 300 to 500 / month depending on location and comfort. During the registration week Óbuda University offers help to new students to find accommodation in the city.
Food and additional expenses are approximately from EUR 170 to 270 / month. More information is available upon arrival.
Health insurance, entitling students for medical care, costs about EUR 120 / year. Insurance is the condition of both the enrolment at the university and the residence permit. For EU citizens, a valid European Health Insurance Card is necessary.
Postal Address of the University
for application and request for further information:
Mobility Department
Address: 1032 Budapest, Kiscelli utca 78-80. KC. 113; 117
for payments of application and tuition fees (only bank transfer accepted):
Bank name: Magyar Államkincstár
Bank address: 1139 Budapest Váci út. 71., Hungary
Swift Code: MANEHUHB
IBAN Code: HU25 10032000-00291350-00000000
Beneficiary name: Óbuda University
Beneficiary address: H-1034 Budapest, Bécsi u. 96/B, Hungary
remember to write the student's name and registration number according to the Letter of Acceptance in the box "Information for beneficiary" when transferring the registration fee and tuition fee, otherwise payments may not be identified.
The academic staff of Óbuda University are doing research in informatics engineering disciplines, related applied sciences. Ph.D. candidates are welcome to take part in this research work in order to prepare for the Ph.D. procedure.
A Ph.D. at the Óbuda University is a degree that can be earned by sufficiently proving the candidate's ability for self standing scientific work that must be demonstrated by writing a thesis summarizing the candidate's research results. Furthermore, it is necessary to pass a set of qualifying examinations in some basic and applied sciences related to the field of the submitted thesis. Candidates are to publish their results prior to the submission of their theses.
Applicants for the Ph.D. program must hold an M.Sc., M.Phil. or equivalent degree issued by an academic institution and must possess an overall understanding of, and a high competence in, their field of knowledge and be familiar with cognitive disciplines. They must be capable of using research techniques. Admission requirements include excellent grades (mainly or exclusively A's), an excellent M.Sc. (or equivalent) final project, and/or the achievement of good initial results in research – depending on the length of period between the obtaining of the Master's degree and the time of the application. Applicants working on their Master's project can be admitted conditionally. For applicants who have already spent a few years in scientific or engineering practice since their first postgraduate degree, their achievements during this time will be considered in addition to their graduation results. Besides their professional achievements, applicants should also demonstrate a sense of responsibility for the advancement of scientific knowledge.
Ph.D. candidates carry out their studies and research on an individual basis under the guidance of a professor or a senior member of the academic staff at the faculty concerned. This research work must contribute to scientific knowledge in general and it must be recognized as such by the international scientific community. In order to prove this, doctoral candidates must present their research results at national and international conferences and symposia and they are expected to publish the significant and major achievements of their works in internationally referred professional periodicals. (Conference proceedings papers are usually accepted only as partial fulfillment of the requirement to publish one's results properly.)
Besides the research work, the Ph.D. supervisor usually recommends the participation in various courses related to the research topic. In such a case, the appropriate examinations must be successfully completed, the results of which will be documented in the transcripts of the candidate. Similarly, the advancement in individual study and research will be documented on a semester basis by the supervisor.
Work towards a Ph.D. degree requires at least 3 years (6 semesters) of study. This time might be considerably longer, depending on the topic and the candidate's personal diligence. It is possible to set individual Ph.D. study plans for candidates who spend a part of their preparation period at another institution, e.g. their own original research oriented affiliation or another university.
Upon completing all necessary work for the Ph.D. thesis, this dissertation must be prepared according to the formal requirements in the Doctoral Code of the Óbuda University.
According to the procedural code of our university, every Ph.D. candidate must apply to the Doctoral Board of the specific faculty as an individual, although the recommendation of the supervising professor and department, including the attachment of the protocol of the departmental public presentation of the thesis (including the comments and recommendations of several departmental and/or internal referees, and other professional experts of the field) is a requirement.
The conferred degree is declared and testified by a corresponding Ph.D. diploma at the next solemn ceremony of the university by the Dean of the Informatics Faculty.
Students who already hold a B.Sc. degree or its equivalent, can pursue an M.Sc. degree in the same field of study at Óbuda University. Acceptance and placement is based on the student's academic credentials and current level of knowledge (English language too), which is assessed at the student's arrival.
Some M.Sc. programs offer refresher courses or preparatory semesters so students can upgrade their knowledge in relevant engineering subjects. Applicants must submit transcripts and if they have been employed since graduation, details of their professional experience.
Students generally follow an approved curriculum, but elective subjects allow for personal interests. Courses are run for small groups (minimum five members) and the students are expected to work individually under the direction of a personal tutor. Students have free access to laboratories, research facilities and computers. M.Sc. program is generally 4 semesters, normally 2 years in duration and consists of 26 hours of instruction per week and 5 examinations per semester. After successful completion of a thesis and final exams the M.Sc. degree is granted which enables its holder to do research and solve high level engineering tasks.
The three engineering faculties offer B.Sc. degree program for seven semesters. The programs provide the scientific fundamentals, such as mathematics, physics, computing, mechanics, engineering drawing and chemistry, needed for a chosen field of engineering.
They also provide a thorough knowledge of practical engineering and offer opportunities for specialization. Experimental work in well-equipped laboratories is emphasized.
The B.Sc. degree programs can provide opportunities for specialization that differ from faculty to faculty. Faculties divide their programs into branches with compulsory electives and offer optional elective subjects as well.
The hours of instruction range from 26 to 32 hours per week. Some variation occurs from faculty to faculty and also during the last semester when students work on their final projects. Students typically take 5 to 6 exams each semester. In addition, students are required and encouraged to participate in active research and design in the project laboratories and to develop their abilities to do independent research.
Upon successful completion of the curriculum final exams and the final project, a student will be granted a B.Sc. degree, which certifies its holder's ability to be engaged in engineering production work.
2012. szeptember 3. - szeptember 7. (hétfő-péntek)
2012. szeptember 3. (hétfő), 14.00
Első tanítási nap:
2012. szeptember 10. (hétfő)
Állami ünnepek:
2012. október 23. (kedd)
2012. november 1. (csütörtök)
2012. december 25-26. (kedd-szerda)
Rektori-dékáni szünet:
2012. november 20-21-22-23. (kedd-szerda-csütörtök-péntek)
2012. október 27. (szombat) munkanap, csütörtöki, páratlan hét szerinti munkarend
2012. november 10. (szombat) munkanap, pénteki munkarend
2012. december 1. (szombat) munkanap*
2012. december 15. (szombat) munkanap, hétfői munkarend**
Munkaszüneti nap
2012. október 22. (hétfő) pihenőnap
2012. november 2. (péntek) pihenőnap
2012. december 24 (hétfő) pihenőnap
2012. december 31. (hétfő) pihenőnap
TDK konferencia
2012. november 15, az eredményhirdetés november 23.
Szorgalmi időszak:
2012. szeptember 10 - december 15. (hétfő-szombat)
2012. december 17. (hétfő) - 2013. január 26. (szombat)
Karácsony és szilveszter között:
Az egyetem 2012. december 24. (hétfő) – január 1. (kedd) között zárva tart. December 27. (csütörtök) – december 28. (péntek) közötti 2 napra szabadságot kell tartalékolni.
* A hallgatók számára is munkanap, de az oktatás nem órarend szerinti munkarend alapján zajlik, hanem azt pótlások (pót zh, pótlabor stb.), konzultációk megtartásának/kiírásának lehetőségére használhatják a Karok/Intézetek.
** A hallgatók számára is munkanap, a levelező, illetve távoktatáson órarend szerint a tervezett oktatás, egyébként vizsganap.
Az Óbudai Egyetem 2016/17. tanévi TDK tevékenységét és konferenciáit támogatja az Emberi Erőforrások Minisztériuma megbízásából az Emberi Erőforrás Támogatáskezelő által kiírt "Hazai Tudományos Diákköri műhelyek támogatása" című pályázat (NTP-HHTDK-0016-0005)."