Students who already hold a B.Sc. degree or its equivalent, can pursue an M.Sc. degree in the same field of study at Óbuda University. Acceptance and placement is based on the student's academic credentials and current level of knowledge (English language too), which is assessed at the student's arrival.
Some M.Sc. programs offer refresher courses or preparatory semesters so students can upgrade their knowledge in relevant engineering subjects. Applicants must submit transcripts and if they have been employed since graduation, details of their professional experience.
Students generally follow an approved curriculum, but elective subjects allow for personal interests. Courses are run for small groups (minimum five members) and the students are expected to work individually under the direction of a personal tutor. Students have free access to laboratories, research facilities and computers. M.Sc. program is generally 4 semesters, normally 2 years in duration and consists of 26 hours of instruction per week and 5 examinations per semester. After successful completion of a thesis and final exams the M.Sc. degree is granted which enables its holder to do research and solve high level engineering tasks.