The objective of the Doctoral School on Safety and Security Sciences (DSSSS) accredited in 2012, is the training of technical scientific researchers who are able to go beyond the traditional disciplinary approach and to solve real research and development tasks based on real industrial needs independently by applying the skills in a synergistic and creative manner. In this way the sharp borderline between the separate disciplines is disappearing and the project-oriented approach necessary for practical tasks is going to generate synergies between the disciplines and a new science of safety knowledge is going to develop.
The research topics of the Doctoral School on Safety and Security are the following: safety science, human-machine-environment analysis techniques and scientific research on issues affecting the activities of critical infrastructure. In the doctoral school, we apply the methods of scientific research to clarify the issues, to seek new security solutions and to ensure the successful implementation of complex security.
The activities of the Doctoral School are supported by a tender entitled “Critical infrastructure protection research” accepted by the National Development Agency within the topic of “Improving the quality of Higher Education trough the development of research-innovation-education”, which was won jointly by the Óbuda University and the National University of Public Service.
Address and Map
Doctoral School on Safety and Security Sciences: 1034 Budapest, Bécsi str. 96/b