The faculty offers Bachelors level training of electrical engineering in three different courses: full time, correspondent, e-learning. The students attend the same subjects in the first three semesters on full time, and four semesters on correspondent and e-learning courses.
After successful completion of the first part of their studies (basic part) the students can choose one specialization, which are: Automation, Info-communication technologies, Instrumentation and automation, Microelectronics and technology, Power engineering.
B.Sc graduated students are able to design electric devises, testing and controlling systems, manage electrical devises production and installation projects on the field of their specialization.
Based on B.Sc training the students can also get an engineer – teacher diploma which is called MA.
The faculty also offers master course in the specialization Industrial control and communication systems. The M.Sc graduated students are able to control network surveillance processes as well as risk management, maintenance critical decisions, making disaster and recovery plans. They can design and develop industrial control and communication systems.
Higher-grade vocational course is provided for electrical engineering assistants, in 4 semesters on full time courses and in 5 semesters for correspondent courses. These courses for assistants aim to train specialists able to perform tasks not yet requiring higher engineering knowledge.
+36 (1) 666-5101 (Head Office)
Address and Map
Kálmán Kandó Faculty of Electrical Engineering: 1034 Budapest, Bécsi way 94-96.
Kálmán Kandó Faculty of Electrical Engineering: 1084 Budapest, Tavaszmező str. 15-17.