The mission of the Faculty is to manage the BSc and MSc Computer Engineering courses, which enables students to find a place for themselves in the labour market immediately after graduation whilst also preparing them for the second phase of education: the two-year MSc course. Graduates of MSc can further their studies in Applied Informatics Doctoral School.
The curriculum for the BSc in Computer Engineering is seven semesters long. Initially, our students obtain a solid professional grounding which is then followed by their basic computer engineering training. In their fifth semester, our students have to choose a specialisation in which they obtain deep, special and practical competency in one of the current application areas of Informatics. Specialisations include: ambient systems, embedded intelligent systems, informatical and automatized systems, informatics system engineer, mobile informatics, software technology and business information systems.
The curriculum for the Computer Engineering MSc course is four semesters long both in case of full-time and evening learning. The aim is to train computer engineers, who will have the ability to either perform research and development tasks in their field of specialisation or to take part in a PhD programme. Current specialisations in the Computer Engineering MSc course include: Application Management, Integrated Intelligent Systems.
The faculty offers, in connection with basic computer engineering training, Masters courses for engineer-teachers.
The practice sessions take place in one of the ten modern and well equipped computer laboratories or in one of the five special laboratories. In the laboratories we already have multi-core processor andbroadband internet with 1 Gbit/sec speed
The up-to-date knowledge is provided by our unique network of competency centres that cover the most important areas in the field of Informatics including Computer Networks (Cisco), Systems Engineering (Intel), Operating Systems and Software Development (Microsoft), Mobile Informatics (Nokia), Database Management (Oracle), Information Security (Symantec), Application Management (HP), Service Management (IBM), and Business Information Systems (SAP).
+36 (1) 666-5520 (Head Office)
+36 (1) 666-5522 (Head Office)
Address and Map
John von Neumann Faculty of Informatics: 1034 Budapest, Bécsi way 96/b.