![Sándor Rejtő Faculty of Light Industry and Environmental Protection Engineering](http://dev.uni-obuda.hu/files/imagecache/org/org/46/rejto-sandor-konnyuipari-es-kornyezetmernoki-kar.jpg)
The Faculty offers three BSc programs: Light Industry Engineering, Industrial Design Engineering, Environmental Engineering, and a MSc program in Light Industry Engineering.
The bachelor’s program in Light Industry Engineering prepares students for the control and supervision of manufacturing processes related to their specialisation. After completing the fundamental courses in engineering, with basic technical and engineering skills they can choose from the following specialisations: Creative products and technologies, Quality Control System Developer, Printing and Media, Packaging and Paper Technologies.
Engineers, with a BSc degree in Industrial Design Engineering will be able to initiate, compile and implement projects, to carry out analyses using relevant design methods and to professionally justify the implemented work procedures. They will have competence in comprehensive product design, taking into consideration aesthetic, usability, market, safety, and implementation aspects, as well as historic, cultural, social, economic, industrial and natural environmental factors related to industrial design and product development. Specialisations: Product Design and Product Management.
BSc Environmental Engineers will possess the necessary up-to-date vocational and technological skills needed to reduce and prevent environmental damage and pollution. They are trained to be capable of making environmental studies. We offer the Light Industry specialisation.
Those who earned the BSc degree can continue their studies on the Light Industry Engineering MSc program. The training is organised in cooperation with the Faculty of Wood Sciences of University of West Hungary. Graduates of the BSc program may also continue their studies in the Engineering Teacher Master program in cooperation with Trefort Ágoston Centre for Engineering Education.
Our special Light Industry Engineering Assistant program offers a more practice-oriented training, the knowledge acquired can be converted to vocational expertise easily. In case of an appropriate performance the graduates of this program may continue their studies on BSc level, where most of their earned credits are taken into account.
+36 (1) 666-5503 (Head Office)
+36 (1) 666-5909 (Head Office)
Address and Map
Sándor Rejtő Faculty of Light Industry and Environmental Protection Engineering: 1034 Budapest, Doberdó str. 6.