I would like to welcome all visitors, university students and staff members!
Óbuda University as a determinative participant of Hungarian higher education and engineer education, with its 130 years old traditions and experience, offers a 21st century study opportunity for Hungarians as well as for foreign students. Both the University and its predecessor institutions endeavored to harmonize traditional academic values with continually changing economic situations and to present these expectations in the educational and training opportunities provided.
Based on these, our mission and the main aim of our curriculum is to communicate strong theoretically centered knowledge which can be used directly in real life within the fields of engineering, IT, economics and pedagogy.
Óbuda University offers full academic programs. Students can choose from three academic avenues of study, fourteen bachelor level specialties, ten master level specialties, three doctoral schools and several postgraduate specialist training courses. Our courses are in full time, part time or distance learning structures, some of our bachelor and master courses are also available in English, furthermore there are engineer teacher courses corresponding to our engineer programs.
The effectiveness of our practice oriented training is marked by the positive feedbacks from the labor market as well as by our students’ successes during national and international competitions. I would like to highlight their outstanding achievements at the Spaghetti Bridge Building, Design Challenge Robotics Building, Bosch Electromobil, Mitsubishi-Scholarship, Pneumobil, Shell Eco-marathon, Hajós György Mathematics and PLC Control Engineering Programming Competitions.
Our University highly supports Hungarian education outside the borders of Hungary. We have an engineer teacher training program at the University of Novi Sad, a light industry engineer course on the Bachelor level in Odorheiu Secuiesc (Székelyudvarhely), and soon we will start our educational activities at János Selye University, Komárno.
The Massive Open Online Courses (K-MOOC) program in the Carpathian Basin which opened as part of our University Research and Innovation Center, 1 September, 2014 is considered one of our most major achievements, over the past few years.
K-MOOC members are higher educational institutions of which the educational language is Hungarian. Twenty of the members are located inside Hungary, proper and thirteen outside the borders.. Since the free, credited, online courses at K-MOOC are available in Hungarian this makes the feeling of belonging to the mother country within the Carpathian Basin, even stronger.
For the foreseeing years, based on our traditions and professional results, Óbuda University has an ambitious aim. In creating a new higher educational model, our goals are to form a university which operates as an international educational network, utilizing modern educational methods, offering a higher level of education, resulting in fulfilling the overall needs of industry. Furthermore, we strive to continue our research, development and innovation activities which are internationally recognized. .
We realize this goal within the frameworks of ‘Campus 21’ which is the key project of our institutional development plan for 2016-2020 (for the next four years). The keystone of the strategy is the expectation that our University should be the precedent institution of Hungarian practical engineer training which proves that students with any background can fulfill higher educational requirements and will be successful in life. Beyond the educational content progress, ‘Campus 21’ visualizes significant infrastructural development and modernization for the University students, staff, representative bodies of municipalities and our government.
The most valuable treasure of the University is the student, the most important participants of the student’s trainings are the instructors and the staff of the University. I am convinced that the values, quality and image of the University towards the students and society are determined by the staff, their diversity, their personality, the values of the instructors and non-instructors, their work, their knowledge, their humanity and moreover the overall commitment of the community.
The University leadership – including the rector, as chief executive – considers one of its main roles to create a staff which is committed to this aim, convergent and produces quality results. A staff of which each and every member knows and understands the importance, responsibility of his task and in this way it is possible to create and convey values within the structures of the regular trainings.
I wish that every student, staff member and partner of Óbuda Univerity be part of this process.
Prof. Dr. Mihály Réger