The library is an information centre of knowledge transfer, which grants students, faculty, and staff, access to traditional and virtual literature, and supports liberal education.
The content of library documents depends on the programs and courses taught in the university. The stock consists of technical texts in Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry related to the basic disciplines, textbooks on Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Safety Engineering, Information Technology, Light Industry, Pedagogy, Economics and Management, as well as lecture notes and language books.
The library network operates a common reference library system and effectively assists the teaching and research activities at Óbuda University. The libraries at sites collect, explore and make the documents of domestic and international technical texts available, and are issued in traditional and electronic formats.
In members of the library network computers with Internet connection provide the access to remote databases, such as ACM (Association for Computing Machinery) Digital Library, EBSCO, SpringerLink, Engineering Village Referex and to the national program of Electornical Infromation Service (EISZ). The terminals are also NAVA (National Audiovisual Archive) points.
In two library network members e-Hungary Point is in operation as well.