The mission of the Smartlab Knowledge Center is to cooperate and support our partners to succeed in their business by its complex, cross-disciplinary and innovative activities based on the R&D competencies of Obuda University. Smartlab also provides its infrastructural assets for educational purposes (in BSc and MSc but primarily on the level of PhD).
Research and Development activities of the Knowledge Center involve
Smart City projects aiming the characterization of urban traveling patterns by using wireless information
Development of applications related to remote sensing and automation
Simulation and optimization of production technologies
The ABC Center for Intelligent Robotics is devoted to promote the scientific and technological advancement of robotics, primarily for service applications..
Aims and scope of the center
The ABC Center of Intelligent Robotics was created as a primary reply to the rising demand of integrated education and application-oriented development in robotics. It is an independent platform within the Óbuda University, extensively relying on a national and international network of key partner institutions and companies in Europe and North America, predominantly. It acts as a research center of excellence, and has three major focuses for operation:
Cutting edge development in the fundamentals of robotics—including hardware and software; mechatronics, control and application.
Bridging the development projects to particular applications, tapping into the scientific results to solve the emerging issues of modern society.
Disseminating current knowledge about robotics both in structured form via university courses and to the wider public.
We are willing to become a competence center for R&D in service robotics, including medical, social and cloud robotics. Inherently, the Center is involved with technological development, focusing on novel instruments, robot platforms and sensors, with adequate control structures and user interfaces.
The Center is aiming to gain experience in manufacturing engineering, system testing, validation and commercialization. Technically, it provides “Software as Service (SaaS)”, “Platform as Service (PaaS)” and eventually “Infrastructure as Service (IaaS)” to other university units and external contractors. The key to its success is the ability to bring together mechatronics, software engineering and usability research to create the accessible robot technology of tomorrow.
Background and history
ABC Center of Intelligent Robotics was founded by the Senate of the Óbuda University in September 2012, however, its predecessor, the University Knowledge Center for Robotics was founded in 2010. Besides, the University has long been conducting theoretical research in robotics, especially in modern robot control. An experimental center has been thought after to physically employ these results, and implement them into applications. After initial success of the Robotics Knowledge Center, the Senate was determined to extend the capabilities of the robotics-focused group, raising the new Center to the level of the Faculties, that reports directly to the President. The initial tasks of the Center include the reform and upgrading of the robotics education at the university, providing a constant source of students interested in robotics research. The Center further supports the maintenance and improvement of national robotics teaching materials.
Commitment to excellence
The ABC Center is fully devoted to the planned, strategic transformation of higher education in Hungary and beyond. Through donations and prizes, it facilitates the sharing of new ideas coming from the students. The Center takes active role in national and international decision and law-making affecting the domain of robotics. It is also a strong advocate of sustainable development and green research practices. It is operated according to the EU ethical norms, and the ISO quality management practices. These principles are expressed through the services
and tasks the Center may execute for the internal and external partners.
Doctoral School on Materials Sciences and Technologies
The “Doctoral School on Materials Sciences and Technologies” of the university was accredited in 2012. Its main goal is to perform teaching and research activities related to the raw materials of the light industry as macromolecular systems, with special emphasis on environmentally friendly raw materials and to the applications of the raw materials in new areas. The activity includes related fields as well, considering materials science in a broader sense.
Its research area is polymers, with special emphasis on new applications of raw materials of the light industry; micro- and nanostructured functional materials; ceramics; metals.
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Doctoral School on Materials Sciences and Technologies
Doctoral School of Applied Informatics and Applied Mathematics
The Doctoral School of Applied Informatics (GSAI) started its activities in 2009. Its aim is to train researchers, who are familiar with both "soft" and "hard" computer sciences, computing theory, and have multi-disciplinary knowledge, communication skillsand teamwork experience that make them able to solve real industrial research and development tasks.
The aim of "hard" computer science (hard computing) is the analysis and design of technical and physical processes using quantitative, formal, and categorization methods.
The aim of "soft" computer science (soft computing) is the analysis and design of intelligent engineering systems. It typically uses multivalued logic such as the fuzzy logic, as well as results from neural networks, probabilistic methods such as the genetic algorithms, chaos theory and machine learning.
The Óbuda University and the Universita degli Studi di Milano has a joint PhD Degree program in Informatics since 2011 the participants of which may obtain PhD degree from both universities.
In order to harmonize with the engineering courses offered by the University the Centre for Engineering Education a Bachelor’s Course in Technical Teacher Training and a Master’s Course in Engineering Teaching are offered.
The Technical Teacher Training BSc Course prepares students for leading vocational training.
The Engineering Teaching MA prepares students to teach theoretical subjects both inside and external from the educational system and to manage research, planning and development jobs in connection with engineering education, and furthermore provides a basis for acquiring a scientific degree.
Furthermore, the Centre offers postgraduate course for Mentor training and HVT courses for Instructor on practice and Assistant of specialised training.
We have an international education program abroad, Informatics Engineering Teaching MA course in Serbia.
The Faculty offers three BSc programs: Light Industry Engineering, Industrial Design Engineering, Environmental Engineering, and a MSc program in Light Industry Engineering.
The bachelor’s program in Light Industry Engineering prepares students for the control and supervision of manufacturing processes related to their specialisation. After completing the fundamental courses in engineering, with basic technical and engineering skills they can choose from the following specialisations: Creative products and technologies, Quality Control System Developer, Printing and Media, Packaging and Paper Technologies.
Engineers, with a BSc degree in Industrial Design Engineering will be able to initiate, compile and implement projects, to carry out analyses using relevant design methods and to professionally justify the implemented work procedures. They will have competence in comprehensive product design, taking into consideration aesthetic, usability, market, safety, and implementation aspects, as well as historic, cultural, social, economic, industrial and natural environmental factors related to industrial design and product development. Specialisations: Product Design and Product Management.
BSc Environmental Engineers will possess the necessary up-to-date vocational and technological skills needed to reduce and prevent environmental damage and pollution. They are trained to be capable of making environmental studies. We offer the Light Industry specialisation.
Those who earned the BSc degree can continue their studies on the Light Industry Engineering MSc program. The training is organised in cooperation with the Faculty of Wood Sciences of University of West Hungary. Graduates of the BSc program may also continue their studies in the Engineering Teacher Master program in cooperation with Trefort ÁgostonCentre for Engineering Education.
Our special Light Industry Engineering Assistant program offers a more practice-oriented training, the knowledge acquired can be converted to vocational expertise easily. In case of an appropriate performance the graduates of this program may continue their studies on BSc level, where most of their earned credits are taken into account.
+36 (1) 666-5503
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+36 (1) 666-5909
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Sándor Rejtő Faculty of Light Industry and Environmental Protection Engineering
The mission of the Faculty is to manage the BSc and MSc Computer Engineering courses, which enables students to find a place for themselves in the labour market immediately after graduation whilst also preparing them for the second phase of education: the two-year MSc course. Graduates of MSc can further their studies in Applied Informatics Doctoral School.
The curriculum for the BSc in Computer Engineering is seven semesters long. Initially, our students obtain a solid professional grounding which is then followed by their basic computer engineering training. In their fifth semester, our students have to choose a specialisation in which they obtain deep, special and practical competency in one of the current application areas of Informatics. Specialisations include: ambient systems, embedded intelligent systems, informatical and automatized systems, informatics system engineer, mobile informatics, software technology and business information systems.
The curriculum for the Computer Engineering MSc course is four semesters long both in case of full-time and evening learning. The aim is to train computer engineers, who will have the ability to either perform research and development tasks in their field of specialisation or to take part in a PhD programme. Current specialisations in the Computer Engineering MSc course include: Application Management, Integrated Intelligent Systems.
The faculty offers, in connection with basic computer engineering training, Masters courses for engineer-teachers.
The practice sessions take place in one of the ten modern and well equipped computer laboratories or in one of the five special laboratories. In the laboratories we already have multi-core processor andbroadband internet with 1 Gbit/sec speed
The up-to-date knowledge is provided by our unique network of competency centres that cover the most important areas in the field of Informatics including Computer Networks (Cisco), Systems Engineering (Intel), Operating Systems and Software Development (Microsoft), Mobile Informatics (Nokia), Database Management (Oracle), Information Security (Symantec), Application Management (HP), Service Management (IBM), and Business Information Systems (SAP).
The Faculty offers the following undergraduate courses: B.Sc in Engineering Management and BA in Management and Business Administration, and in Commerce and Marketing as well as postgraduate programs: M.Sc in Business Development and MA in Teacher of Engineering (Engineering Manager).
The objective of the BA in Management and Business Administrationcourse is to train economic experts who are knowledgeable about economics, social sciences, applied economic sciences and methodology. Students are given the knowledge that will enable them to plan and analyse processes for economic organisations and institutions, as well as manage and organise entrepreneurial activities and processes. In possession of the required sound knowledge, the students can further their studies to a master program, if desired.
Tracks: Marketing, Business Informatics, Business Organiser.
The BA in Commerce and Marketing course aims to train economic experts who are knowledgeable about economics, commerce and marketing and possess all the technical skills and competences in this field. The economic experts are competent in demand based acquisition and marketing of different products and services, organization and management of commercial activities of small and medium sized companies and organisations and also possess sound knowledge in order to continue their studies in the second phase of their training.
The B.Sc in Technical Managementcourse trains Engineering Managers who are equipped with appropriate knowledge in natural and technical science, economic and organisational skills which are needed for the integrated solutions in production and services regarding the material, financial and IT fields as well as human resources. The students are provided a good grounding for theoretical knowledge enabling them to further their studies by applying to enter a PhD programme.
Graduates holding a basic degree in Management and Business Administration, in Commerce and Marketing and in Technical Management are eligible to further their studies on a Master’s degree course in Business Development. Those holding a basic degree in Engineering Management can also carry on with their studies on a Master’s degree course in Teacher of Engineering (Engineering Manager).
The faculty offers Bachelors level training of electrical engineering in three different courses: full time, correspondent, e-learning. The students attend the same subjects in the first three semesters on full time, and four semesters on correspondent and e-learning courses.
After successful completion of the first part of their studies (basic part) the students can choose one specialization, which are: Automation, Info-communication technologies, Instrumentation and automation, Microelectronics and technology, Power engineering.
B.Sc graduated students are able to design electric devises, testing and controlling systems, manage electrical devises production and installation projects on the field of their specialization.
Based on B.Sc training the students can also get an engineer – teacher diploma which is called MA.
The faculty also offers master course in the specialization Industrial control and communication systems. The M.Sc graduated students are able to control network surveillance processes as well as risk management, maintenance critical decisions, making disaster and recovery plans. They can design and develop industrial control and communication systems.
Higher-grade vocational course is provided for electrical engineering assistants, in 4 semesters on full time courses and in 5 semesters for correspondent courses. These courses for assistants aim to train specialists able to perform tasks not yet requiring higher engineering knowledge.
Training courses strongly based on informatics are provided for engineers highly demanded in numerous areas of the economy as well as for technical instructors in a way that they can continue their studies at Masters courses.
In line with their specialties, engineers graduating from the basic course of Mechanical engineering can widely apply vehicle engineering knowledge and computerized design systems, solving modernization tasks related to manufacturing and production equipment. Optional specialties include CAD-CAM-CNC, machine design, vehicle technology, and CAD-CAM-CNC partly in German.
Engineers graduating from the basic course of Military and Safety technology can recognize and solve technical and organizational problems of fire, property and personal protection and to control the execution of tasks in areas of civil life.
At the specialty of complex systems of the basic course of Mechatronic engineering, specialists are trained at courses conducted in Hungarian and English for companies interested in the design, production and assembly of technical equipment and for those involved in services.
At the Masters courses, students of excellent qualities who graduated from a Bachelors programme are trained for the independent control and supervision of tasks with in their special area, completing design, research and development tasks and possibly intending to continue their studies at a PhD programme.
The Masters programme of Mechatronic engineering awaits students graduated from the basic courses of mechanical engineering, electrical engineering and engineering informatics, where as the Masters programme of Safety engineering awaits students from the basic course of military engineering and safety technology, also counting on graduates from the basic courses of mechatronic engineering, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering and engineering informatics.